Who we are
We are living in an increasingly globalised and interconnected world, in times of political uncertainty and technological acceleration, where insecure and chaotic zones coexist and clash with peace and order, creating complex challenges to individuals, states and the world as well.
We share the vison of Lisbon as a global city particularly suited to offer a space for reflecting, debating and intervening about relevant issues of the international agenda, from development and globalisation to security and sustainability, with a focus on Portugal and Europe.
It is our aim to increase knowledge, promote critical thinking and new perspectives to address global challenges, in order to influence political agendas and deepen the study and discussion of issues that affect our life in community and that impact on the sustainability of the planet and on the standards of living of future generations.
Why a club?
The Club of Lisbon was launched in December of 2016, as an outcome of the Lisbon Conferences project, an initiative of seven institutions, to which six individual members joined as founders of the Club of Lisbon.
Apart from collective and individual members living in Portugal, the Club of Lisbon also foresees the admission of members living abroad, regardless of their nationality. In terms of governing bodies, the Club of Lisbon includes a Strategic Council of advisory nature, composed by outstanding figures of political, academic, corporate, cultural and civil society spheres.
Statutes of the Club of Lisbon
(documents in Portuguese)
What we do
Lisbon Talks

Debates on relevant issues of the international agenda
Training workshops

Training activities on global issues, in partnership with other institutions
Other activities, projects and partnerships

Other partnerships, such as the HUMAN project, and the yearly ISCTE-IUL Summer School on Global Challenges.
Communication and information

Dissemination of global themes to our members and wider audiences
How we work
We function as a network platform, in connection with our members, who profit from and actively participate in the conception and implementation of our initiatives.
We maintain a close dialogue with Government authorities and the Lisbon Municipality and we work in partnership with foundations, think tanks, research centres as well as with other national and international entities relevant for our areas of work.
We develop our activity with and for a relevant number of decision makers, entrepreneurs, managers, academics, journalists, and other stakeholders concerned with our working areas, always aiming to foster youth engagement.
Francisco Seixas da Costa
Board of Directors
PresidentAlberto Laplaine Guimaraes
Board of Directors
Vice-PresidentLuísa Meireles
Board of Directors
Vice-PresidentFernando Jorge Cardoso
Board of Directors
Executive DirectorBernardo Ivo Cruz
Board of Directors
Bernardo Pires de Lima
Board of Directors
Graça Canto Moniz
Board of Directors
Luís Tomé
Board of Directors
Sónia Neto
Board of Directors
Luís Amado
General Assembly Board
PresidentClara Carvalho
General Assembly Board
Vice-PresidentMaria Laura Lisboa
General Assembly Board
Luís Pais Antunes
Supervisory Board
PresidentHenrique Burnay
Supervisory Board
Vice-PresidentNoémia Pizarro
Supervisory Board
Strategic Council
Ana Santos Pinto
Professor, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
António Rebelo de Sousa
Professor, Lusíada University
Carolina Quina
Executive Director, Marquês de Valle Flôr Institute
Cristina Casalinho
Non Executive Trustee, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Hélder Oliverira
Executive Director, Instituto Luso-Árabe para a Cooperação
João Vieira Borges
President, Comissão Portuguesa de História Militar
Luís Valença Pinto
President of EuroDefense Portugal
Marina Costa Lobo
Director, ICL ISC-UL
Maria Helena Carreiras
Professor, ISCTE - IUL
Raquel Vaz Pinto
Researcher, IPRI-NOVA