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This bilingual publication (PT/EN) summarises the interventions and debates at the online conference "The Ocean that Belongs to All", held on the 22nd and 23rd of February, 2021. The Conference aimed at contributing to Ocean Literacy by raising public awareness of the sustainable global agenda, enabling people to better understand and be able to influence the role and action of decision-makers on matters regarding the peaceful and sustainable use of maritime resources.

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The conference

Since the United Nations declared 1998 as the International Year of the Ocean, knowledge has been fostered and the ocean is now better understood as crucial to global change.

2021 will inaugurate the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, under the motto “to deliver, together, the Ocean we need for the future we want”, and several big conferences will be held, including in Portugal.

The Club of Lisbon, a private non-profit Association dedicated to promoting the knowledge and debate on global issues of common concern, aiming its activities at a large spectrum of publics, with a particular focus on the youth, is well placed to organise one of these conferences.

The Ocean that Belongs to All aims at contributing to the Literacy of the Ocean, raising the public awareness for preserving our biosphere and pushing for a sustainable and peaceful global agenda.

The themes, to be treated in five panels and one round-table, illustrate some of the major global challenges that relate to the Ocean and confront us all, countries and people.

The speakers in the panels — academics, environmental activists, politicians, military, leaders and managers of institutions of the public, private and civil society spheres — are experts on the respective themes. In a roundtable logic, the last panel is composed of young activists from diverse oceanic geographies, who will reflect on the Conference’s subjects to secure the youth’s greater participation in the stage.

The event is organised with the cooperation of the Embassy of Japan in Portugal, in collaboration with the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), with the partnership of the Oceano Azul Foundation, the Portuguese Hydrographic Institution, the Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA) Portugal and with the support of the Municipality of Lisbon and of the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF).


Messing up with the Biosphere: plastics invading food chains

Extending continental shelves

Melting of the Arctic: between a climate disaster and a brand-new sea-lane for containers

The Ocean, strategic priority of Portugal at the UN

On (un)safe waters

A Blue Economy beyond fish and minerals

Ocean's research priorities

The Ocean we need for the future we want



With the cooperation of the Embassy of Japan in Portugal

With the collaboration of

In Partnership with

With the Support of