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Club of Lisbon
Lisbon Talks
Seminars and Training
Lisbon Conferences
Resumo da 6ª Conferência de Lisboa | Um Mundo Dividido
The project
Conferences on State Fragility
1st Conference
Conferences on "Global Chalenges"
Security: from Europe to the Indo-Pacific
Powering the World while Preserving the Planet
The Ocean that belongs to all
News and Events
Opinion and Debate
Book on the 4th Lisbon Conference
The case of Mozambique | 3 DEZ | University of Évora
The case of Nigeria | 22 NOV | Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra
Seminar Series on the prevention of violent extremism in Africa
E-book of the 5h Lisbon Conference now available
5th Lisbon Conference: Into a New World Order? 13-14 October 2022
Summer School Global Challenges | 26 -30 SEP
Lisbon Speed Talk | Money makes the world go round?
Lisbon Talk: AU - EU Summit: and now what?
Hybrid Conference "Powering the World while Preserving the Planet"
eBook "The Ocean that Belongs to All"
Report - Conferences on State Fragility | Pandemcis, Vaccination and Solidarity: Implications in Fragile Countries
Afghanistan: geopolitics and short-term scenarios
Summer School Global Challenges | 27 SEP - 1 OCT
Webinar | Afghanistan: current situation and short term scenarios
Summary of the Conference "The Ocean the belongs to all"
2nd Conference on State Fragility - Pandemics, Vaccination and Solidarity: Implications in Fragile Countries
Is Big Tech's Reign coming to an end?
Geopolitics of Water, Water Security and Hydro-Diplomacy
Lisbon Speed Talk | Can Credit Rating Agencies derail economic recovery in a time of pandemics?
Is there a US strategy towards the EU and China?
Lisbon Talk | Turkey - EU relations in a complex neighbourhood
Lisbon Speed Talk | Populism: why and where is it surging?
The Ocean that belongs to All | Online Conference
Lisbon Speed Talk | Technology and Democracy: friends or foes?
Lisbon Talk | AU-EU 2021 Summit: Consensus & Tricky Issues
Lisbon Speed Talk | India, a new Global Power?
Lisbon Speed Talk | What future for the Transatlantic Relations?
Lisbon Speed Talk | Elections in the USA
Lisbon Speed Talk | Jihadism in the Great Sahel
Lisbon Speed Talk | European Union and China
Lisbon Speed Talk | Africa and Europe: between aid and strategy
Summer School - Global Challenges
4th Lisbon Conference - new dates
Save the date: 4th Lisbon Conference | 14-15 May 2020
The Summer School on Global Challenges was held in ISCTE-IUL
Lisbon Talk debated global change, geopolitics and the environment
LISBON TALK: The Geopolitics of Global Change | 29th July
E-book of the 5h Lisbon Conference now available
eBook "The Ocean that Belongs to All"
Report - Conferences on State Fragility | Pandemcis, Vaccination and Solidarity: Implications in Fragile Countries
Summary of the Conference "The Ocean the belongs to all"
Lisbon Speed Talk | Elections in the USA
4th Lisbon Conference - new dates
The Summer School on Global Challenges was held in ISCTE-IUL
Lisbon Talk debated global change, geopolitics and the environment
Page 1 of 4.
The case of Mozambique | 3 DEZ | University of Évora
The case of Nigeria | 22 NOV | Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra
Seminar Series on the prevention of violent extremism in Africa
5th Lisbon Conference: Into a New World Order? 13-14 October 2022
Summer School Global Challenges | 26 -30 SEP
Lisbon Speed Talk | Money makes the world go round?
Lisbon Talk: AU - EU Summit: and now what?
Hybrid Conference "Powering the World while Preserving the Planet"
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