Lisbon Speed Talk | Technology and Democracy: friends or foes?

Technology and Democracy: friends or foes?, a conversation between Barak Richman, Professor at Duke University and Barbara Reis, Senior Writer at Público Newspaper.

What are the main challenges that technology poses to democracy? How can we solve them without limiting progress and innovation? These are some of the questions pertaining to this conversation.

Barak Richman, Katharine T. Bartlett Professor of Law and Business Administration, recently co-wrote with Francis Fukuyama and Ashish Goel How to Save Democracy From Technology - Ending Big Tech’s Information Monopoly, 2021 Jan/Feb Foreign Affairs edition.

You can (re)watch the debate on Facebook and YouTube (direct links).

This session counted with the partnership of Fundação AIP

The Lisbon Speed Talks are digital conversations about global change that affects our lives and societies, carried out by the Club of Lisbon with the supposrt of Lisbon City Hall and Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr - IMVF.