This is an initiative organised and promoted by CEI-Iscte, in partnership with IMVF and the Club of Lisbon.
The Global Challenges Summer School (visit the site) is a 20-hours course, from 26 to 30 September 2022, with 2 daily classes, from 18h00 to 20h00 and from 20h30 to 22h30. It will be an on-site course at Iscte campus (Lisbon), It works as an optional course for Iscte’s master students, but it is also open as a summer school, or specialization seminar.
Academic coordinator: Ana Mónica Fonseca, director of the Master’s in Modern and Contemporary History, director of the CEI-Iscte, the Center for International Studies of Iscte – Lisbon University Institute and Fernando Jorge Cardoso (representing IMVF and Club of Lisbon).
Executive coordinator: Inês Marques Ribeiro, integrated researcher at CEI-Iscte.
Applications as a specialisation seminar
The Summer School is open to any candidate – CV and letter of intention are needed. Those who assist 80% of the classes will receive a Certificate of Participation. Find out more about the application here.
Enrolment and fees
As an optional UC of the Iscte master’s in International Studies
- for Iscte students enrolled in the master’s degree: no fee as they are choosing it within the scope of their study plan.
As a Specialization Seminar for other participants:
- for Iscte students with active enrolment in another programme: 50 EUR (+ 25 EUR application fee + 10 EUR enrolment fee).
- for Erasmus students: no fees.
- for other international students’: fees dependent upon applicable regimes.
- for the general public, outside Iscte: 100 EUR (+ 25 EUR application fee + 10 EUR registration fee).
Key dates
Applications: until 14 September.
Results: until 15 September.
For further information (candidacy, costs, other) please contact: