"Human - Desenvolvimento e Novos Desafios Globais - Conhecer para Agir em Prol da Justiça Global e do Combate ao Aquecimento Global"

This project is coordinated by the Club of Lisbon, funded by Camões, I. P. and with the partners Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr and Oeiras Valley.

The project that will run from November 2022 until October 2024, aims at contributing to the promotion, consolidation and dissemination of development education and global citizenship.

Through this project, the Club of Lisbon promotes the following activities:

  • 17 courses in the Digital Academy HUMAN®;
  • Mobile app;
  • Webinars;
  • Video/Podcasts.

Through the implementation of these activities, the Club of Lisbon collaborates with HUMAN®, particularly in the creation of the digital platform where all the activities will be shared, namely the 17 courses of global citizenship that will reach around 17 thousand young people, between 18 and 35 years of age, aiming at reinforcing their capacities of development education and global citizenship and to act in favour of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in a conscious and informed manner.


The HUMAN® Platform is available here www.dontskiphumanity.com

The content produced by the project does not reflect the views of the funding institution nor of the partner orgnisations.

Lead Organisation        Partners                                          FINANCIAL SUPPORT